Mike of Many


Coming out the Dragon

“ahh, Mom why can’t I go shopping with you?” Matt whined. “Because, ” Mrs. Fiero began, “you haven’t been practicing. When you can do this…” Mrs....


OMG what a ride

December, January has been a ride. I’ve been working my butt off on two projects that I ended up saying I could do.. only to learn...


Conferences, Retreats, and more

Recently one of the wonderful author/writing teachers that I interact with offered a 6 month ‘Write a Book with Me” online retreat — for 2k USD....


M.t.Saint Intro

M.t.Saint’s first work is that of Mimosa’s Ice.  You can find it on Kindle Worlds as part of the Plundered Chronicles of LGBTQ+ pirate stories. Mimosa’s...


Michael Stephens Intro

Michael writes fantasy and Sci-Fi shorts and is working on a novel or two or three as the mood and time strike. His first published short...